Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ideas come from conversations . . . do you think this will catch on?

I was conversing (in convenient-time, on a discussion board) with some multidisciplinary colleagues and there was some talk about using video to supplement the learning environment. I've used videos in both online and offline environments, and always ended up searching for them when preparing for class. One of the folks in the conversation suggested we find a way to share videos.

I recalled the power of Wiki (not -pedia, this was an academic conversation after all) and hopped on over to WetPaint and started up the Video Sharing for Higher Education site. It's open for contributions to all who register, and open for use to all who go there, so if it sounds interesting, go there now (I'll wait).

Here are the main topics we have in mind (add yours as a new page is developed).

Criminal Justice (includes corrections, law, and more).
Healthcare (includes Radiology, Nursing, etc.)
Online Learning
Political Science
Social Media
Terrorism (includes Domestic and International)

The developers at WetPaint say we should be able to keep all of the site’s videos in one place, making them easy to find quickly and organize. Here’s what the gallery page will look like:

What do you think?

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